Sunday, November 22, 2015

ILP "Participation" - "Mike Hathorn: 3D Printing in the Classroom"

Mike Hathorn uses 3D printing in order to inspire his students. His classes are almost completely full. He uses 3D printing so students can create things and be able to see them come to life. His main goal is to make sure his students are introduced to cuttting-edge technology. He started with bringing models of his town to life. Then, the students made an interview up about the history of the building. Sketch up, the tool his students used, was sold to Google. So Mike was inspired to move onto 3D printing. The school district was able to purchase computers and the printer to make the dream become reality. The students are problem solving and making their own designs. He gives his students almost free reign in developing course curriculum. Currently, they are still trying to make a mock up of their town for historical purposes. He inspires children by being tech savy and getting down onto their level. He wants to change them from consumers to creators of technology. He takes his students to "Tech Jam" in order to introduce his students to up and coming technology. They are also able to showcase their 3D printer in a STEM seminar. He loves to watch the kids engage in technologies. Even as the landscape changes, the hope is that he can use the same principles and apply them to new things that develop in the tech world.

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