Saturday, October 31, 2015

Blog Post 8

I believe open content is the best tool for educators. It allows teachers to draw from outside resources to come up with new ideas. It also creates a new level of information and resources. Not only can teachers get lesson plans online, but their students can access information also. If a student needs to write a report or do a project, they can use the internet for ideas of to access new information. This form of advancement opens up new doors with endless possibilities for adapting and learning.

Another form of technology that could be huge for students is the use of social media. With this tool, students can access homework and lesson plans in the blink of an eye. They can easily collaborate with students, such as if they get stuck on a problem or need to do group work. If they need to get ahold of their teachers, they can use things like twitter to instantly message them and get a faster response. Social media makes communicating with others much easier and more efficient.

I am on the side of the people who have readily available technology. I have many different technologies at home as well as WiFi. I grew up with it all around me, especially since my dad's whole job is centered around it. The divide will affect how my students are able to access information and complete assignments. The best way I can think to cope with this is to find alternative ways for students who don't have access at home to get the same opportunities as those who do. For instance, if a student does not have the internet to submit a homework assignment, I could print out a physical copy for them to complete. I could also try to find ways for students to use the computers in the school as much as possible so that they won't have to use them as much when they get home.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog Post 7

Creating could be supported by using formulas to develop understandings about particular parts of lectures. Teachers could support the evaluation process by having an article posted within the power point and asking the students to discuss the key points of the article. Analyzing could be used by having students answer short questions about certain slides to quiz them on their understanding. Applying could be in the form of students making their own power point to demonstrate the ideas that they've already learned. Understanding could be executed by students putting into their own words what they have learned from each slide and summarizing the key points. Remembering what kinds of things were taught on power points in bulleted lists or acronyms to make sure that the information was absorbed could also be a useful tool.

People who are blind may use a microphone to input their thoughts into the computer to make words. Someone who does not have good motor skills might use a trackball to navigate computer home screens. Text-to-speech technology can also help those who can not read well understand key concepts they might not understand otherwise. I personally have never seen anyone use these technologies. Adaptive technologies might become a problem if it disrupts other students. It could also be problematic if a student needs to use such technologies but the school district can not afford to give them these needed adjustments. Students might end up not passing classes simply because they do not have the tools to do so.

The web page design assignment helped me understand new ways to incorporate important information. I enjoyed being able to access the resources I might need in the future and coming up with fun ways to put information out the the public. I would like to be able to understand next time how to incorporate something like a google calendar that parents could sync their devices to automatically. I might also like to have a page for students and for parents so that each gets their own benefits. I will definitely be able to use this for my own future class so that I can keep everyone up-to-date with the lessons that are currently going on in my classroom.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Blog Post 6

I took a look at my old elementary school, Wakefield Elementary School. I focused on the second grade in particular since that is what I hope to teach. Most of the pages had different tabs. One gave a description of the teacher, although the depth at which they described themselves varied. Most pages were decked out very colorfully with interesting patterns and pictures. Some had helpful links, while others had wish lists. Almost all of the pages I saw also included guidelines and expectations. Some were even helpful enough to put down the curriculum that the students would be learning.

I could see myself using calendars in order to make sure I have everything planned out ahead of time and also so I don't loose track of myself. I could also see myself using a lot of spreadsheets as different kinds of checklists in order to make sure my students and I stick to the tasks at hand. I would also make all of my lesson plans on digital files so that I could reuse and update them in the future. I would probably use both Digo and Evernote to be able so save and take notes on websites I wanted to save, maybe even on the lesson plans that teachers share online. Email would probably be the thing I use most because I always like to keep into contact with people anytime there is new information that I find out. It would also make the communication with teacher and parent better than having students relay what I say.

By working on the wiki, we learned how to properly evaluate websites to make sure they are something that can be used in the classroom. It also gave us a chance to create our own ideas about what exactly makes a website valid. I liked that I got a hands on experience to be able to understand for myself what makes information valid. I am a very kinesthetic learner, so being hands on really helps things sink in for me. I think next time I could make the questionnaire longer so that I can get into more detail about what makes a website that is valid better than another that might also be valid on a basic scale. This assignment will help me better understand what resources I can use in my own classroom.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Blog Post 5

I think web 2.0 would be a great tool for teachers to use in the classroom. Blogs would be useful for teachers to share what might or might not have worked for them in the past as far as lesson plans or teaching styles. Youtube could be used to convey important information to classes that might give them a more visual option. Twitter would be a source of ideas and knowledge at the tap of a finger that could possibly be incorporated into lessons as well. Teachers would need access to the internet in their classrooms in order to access all of this information. A way to screen Youtube videos would also be needed.

An interesting web 2.0 tool that I found is called Classroom 2.0. The link can be found here: This is a space where teachers can communicate with each other and share their own knowledge. From social media to different types of usable technologies, this website has it all. It is a teacher hub for all things education and how to better their classrooms.

This would be something I would use in my class in order to come up with new ideas. It would also be a place that I could bounce ideas off of other people. They verify everyone's identity so there would not be a concern for spam. It's meant to be a place for beginning educators or educators who are not knowledgable on technology. The goal is to help the educators grow and become successful in their classrooms. I believe the best comparison would be Linked In mixed with Facebook.

I believe the concept map gave me a better understanding on how to simplify information. It also helped me understand how a visual learner may process information. I believe I could be a bit more precise next time with what I include in my concept map. I also believe that I would like to try the different kinds of maps like chains in order to make everything seem smoother and more efficient.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Blog Post 4

-Standard LAFS.2.SL.2.4: Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences
-Classification Tool: Simulations (Authoring Software)
-I would use this website to let my students create their own stories about an experience that they've had and to share it with the class in a controlled environment

The internet can be a great tool for student research. It enables them to access content from everywhere. They can find more information in one place than any book or encyclopedia. It's useful when students need to do research projects or create presentations. It's not useful for the everyday tasks, such as in class discussions and assignments that are supposed to be done in class. I believe there is a balance that needs to be upheld with technology. It is a great place to get information, however teachers still need to be able to do hands on activities with their students in order to really get the information across.

I've used the internet a lot in my career in schools. I've had to do multiple research assignments and come up with web-based resources for those assignments. I've used it to get an extra helping hand on certain things I might not have understood before. I've also used it to create my own presentations to share with my fellow classmates. I usually search for things that are from scholarly journals or have been published from experts. I verify that by looking at what types of documents and websites the material is on.

By doing the Web Hunt assignment, I gained better knowledge on how to narrow down my searches. I used key words only and then broadened my search with tags involving "education" or "teacher". I also began getting better at picking websites that were better to use than others. Things like ".org" or scholarly journals I leaned towards more.

My Questions:
1) Let's say you want to be able to show your students firsthand content from WWII. Find Some pictures or videos online you could share with your class.
2) You want your students to create presentations to share with the class about a topic you are discussing. Find a free website they can use.