Sunday, October 4, 2015

Blog Post 4

-Standard LAFS.2.SL.2.4: Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences
-Classification Tool: Simulations (Authoring Software)
-I would use this website to let my students create their own stories about an experience that they've had and to share it with the class in a controlled environment

The internet can be a great tool for student research. It enables them to access content from everywhere. They can find more information in one place than any book or encyclopedia. It's useful when students need to do research projects or create presentations. It's not useful for the everyday tasks, such as in class discussions and assignments that are supposed to be done in class. I believe there is a balance that needs to be upheld with technology. It is a great place to get information, however teachers still need to be able to do hands on activities with their students in order to really get the information across.

I've used the internet a lot in my career in schools. I've had to do multiple research assignments and come up with web-based resources for those assignments. I've used it to get an extra helping hand on certain things I might not have understood before. I've also used it to create my own presentations to share with my fellow classmates. I usually search for things that are from scholarly journals or have been published from experts. I verify that by looking at what types of documents and websites the material is on.

By doing the Web Hunt assignment, I gained better knowledge on how to narrow down my searches. I used key words only and then broadened my search with tags involving "education" or "teacher". I also began getting better at picking websites that were better to use than others. Things like ".org" or scholarly journals I leaned towards more.

My Questions:
1) Let's say you want to be able to show your students firsthand content from WWII. Find Some pictures or videos online you could share with your class.
2) You want your students to create presentations to share with the class about a topic you are discussing. Find a free website they can use.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! The points you made about creating "balance" when using the internet is excellent!
